How to Get a Dog High With Cannabis

Though marijuana rarely results in serious toxicity, its consumption can make a dog feel strange and distressed – often manifesting itself with signs such as pacing, hiding, panting and increased heart rates.

Dogs can get high from inhaling second-hand smoke, particularly in an enclosed space. But this method is less dangerous than eating edibles with ingredients known to be toxic to dogs.

1. Keep it out of reach

Although cannabis-infused treats for dogs may be tempting, this should still not be done. To prevent your dog from accidentally getting high, make sure any products containing THC (cannabidiol) are stored away safely rather than put out for public view.

Fleming warns that even secondhand smoke can make dogs high, since their smaller bodies absorb more of its chemicals than humans do. When this occurs, you may witness uncoordinated movement or lack thereof, depression, excessive salivation/drooling/drool marks/drooling, vomiting and low body temperatures in your pet.

Dependent upon the quantity ingested and nature of product ingested, toxic ingestion could become life-threatening in an instant. If your dog exhibits these signs immediately call your vet immediately for treatment.

2. Keep it out of sight

With recreational cannabis becoming legal in more places and edibles becoming increasingly prevalent, dogs now have more chances than ever of coming across THC-laced cannabis products than ever. Although for humans this might not be life-threatening, for animals it can be highly hazardous.

Dogs experiencing cannabis intoxication typically show symptoms like incontinence, ataxia, overreacting to stimuli and dilated pupils. Clingy behavior, hyperactivity and vomiting may also occur as well as possibly falling into a deep coma state.

Due to their lower dosage and smaller size compared to people, most cases of marijuana toxicity do not require hospitalization for canines. But if your dog displays some of the above symptoms it’s essential that they seek advice as soon as possible from a vet.

3. Keep it in a dark room

Dog owners are increasingly turning to cannabis-based products as a means of alleviating their pets’ pain and anxiety, with evidence mounting of its therapeutic use for canines but much uncertainty around safety issues. Research into therapeutic marijuana for dogs continues apace; however, opinions remain divided as to its efficacy or otherwise.

Small dogs in particular may suffer irreparable harm from eating cannabis-laced food or treats, with even low doses being enough to cause life-threatening side effects.

Keep in mind that even contact highs from marijuana can cause respiratory problems for dogs, so please refrain from blowing smoke in their direction and leaving any containers with marijuana or edibles lying around for easy access – treat these like any bottle of wine or hazardous chemicals would.

4. Keep it quiet

Though it’s rare for dogs to accidentally consume marijuana (unless they find edibles lying around or someone blows smoke in their direction), they still may ingest THC through second-hand smoke in an enclosed space or someone smoking near them.

Just like people, every dog experiences different levels of THC intoxication depending on their weight and dose consumed compared to size. Most vets who encounter dogs who have consumed THC usually observe similar symptoms: panting, pacing and anxiety or irritability. Therefore, pet owners should store all edibles such as marijuana in childproof containers on high shelves so they can quickly take their pets to a vet if there’s evidence of ingestion.

5. Keep it hydrated

Since recreational marijuana has now become legal in more places than ever before, our pets may come into contact with this drug more frequently. Cannabis contains psychoactive compounds called THC and non-psychoactive CBD that may produce various side effects in our pets.

Dogs ingesting THC typically aren’t at risk as much as people; nonetheless, it is wise to play it safe by keeping products containing THC out of reach from your pups.

Dogs can ingest THC through second-hand smoke. Therefore, when smoking in enclosed spaces with your pup and blowing smoke into their face is not appropriate or acceptable. Furthermore, make sure they always have access to water as dehydration can exacerbate symptoms associated with THC use. If any symptoms listed here develop during exposure to THC use then please take your pup immediately to a vet for evaluation.

6. Give it some cuddles

If your pet appears distressed, cuddling them is often the best solution to help relax them and make them feel safe. This will also provide them with comforting feelings of security and warmth.

Keep an eye on them – particularly if they display any symptoms of being high such as muscle twitching, lethargy or being off balance – be sure to record these signs and how long they last.

Though not an everyday occurrence, dogs can experience highs from eating marijuana or THC. This may occur either purposefully or accidentally and it’s dangerous for their health and can cause some serious issues; though not fatal it’s nonetheless not pleasant either; particularly if exposed to secondhand smoke which may worsen their condition than eating directly itself.

7. Keep it away from other dogs

As cannabis legalization expands and more products containing THC become readily available for sale, dogs have greater chances of coming across cannabis and its byproducts. Luckily, cannabis consumption by dogs does not pose any major health concerns and typically doesn’t necessitate a trip to the veterinarian.

However, it’s essential that pet parents remain informed of any symptoms or signs that could indicate THC consumption by their pups. Rectal temperature must also be checked regularly – anything below 99deg Fahrenheit could indicate potential THC poisoning in dogs.

THC ingestion should also be noted as it can produce false-positives on urine tests for other toxins or health conditions like liver disease and seizures due to how different drugs break down in our bodies.

8. Keep it away from people

Dogs that consume marijuana (also known as cannabis, pot, weed, reefer, ganja or Mary Jane) directly or through secondhand smoke run the risk of experiencing symptoms including uncoordination, drooling, shaking, vomiting depression seizure. They might even lose use of their hind legs and experience difficulty blinking.

Some dogs, particularly smaller breeds, may be more sensitive to secondhand smoke exposure than others; the amount, concentration and duration all affect how sensitive a pet will be to it.

Good news is, most dogs who accidentally consume too much cannabis don’t require hospitalization or treatments; most simply sleep it off at home in a safe space with enough hydration. You could try giving them bland foods while waiting for the THC effects of THC to wear off.

9. Keep it away from other pets

Although marijuana remains illegal at a federal level, its prevalence has grown more widespread and more pets are exposed to it than ever. Pet Poison Helpline has recorded a 173 percent increase in cases related to cannabis since 2017.

Marijuana itself may not be fatal for dogs, but THC may cause some severe side effects – including panting, lethargy, saliva and urine drooling and overreacting to stimuli.

Note: Every dog will experience their high differently. Effects also vary based on how much THC was taken in relative to bodyweight; most dogs won’t get high from sniffing second-hand smoke because their ears don’t lead directly into their brain – instead they spread wider out behind the head.

10. Take it to the vet

Veterinarians I consulted advise taking your pet immediately to the vet if you suspect cannabis poisoning. Ingestion can occur through edibles that contain both THC and chocolate as well as additional substances like raisins, artificial sweeteners or xylitol that could harm dogs. Effects from cannabis typically appear within 30-60 minutes so taking action now will prevent symptoms from developing too soon.

Pets who consume too much cannabis typically don’t require medical intervention or hospitalization; however, they may become lethargic and sleepy until their system clears out all of the intoxicants. Your vet will examine your pet and ask how much and which kind of cannabis they ate/inhaled to assess the severity of their condition.

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